How Often Should You Replace Your Air Conditioner Filter?

When it comes to air conditioners, one of the most important maintenance tasks is replacing the filter. It's essential to keep your air conditioner running efficiently and to maintain good air quality in your home. But how often should you change the filter?The answer depends on a few factors, such as the location of your home, if you have pets, and the age of your system and equipment. Generally, most air filter manufacturers and air conditioning companies recommend changing them every 90 days or 3 months.

However, if you live in a dry and dusty climate, or if you have pets at home, you should consider replacing the filter every 60 days or 2 months. For homes with several pets or people with allergies or respiratory conditions, it's best to change the filter every 20 to 45 days.Vacation homes or empty houses that aren't used much can wait to replace the filters every 9 to 12 months. The general consensus is that the more you use your home, the more you'll need to change the air filter. Whether it's heating filters, air filters, or any other part of your unit, be sure to take care of your air conditioning system to extend its life. Regularly replacing your air conditioner filter is an important part of this maintenance.

Katelyn Redish
Katelyn Redish

Hipster-friendly beer advocate. Freelance coffee lover. Freelance tv lover. Amateur social media nerd. Certified zombie geek. Professional gamer.