Maintaining Your HVAC System for Optimal Performance

Carrying out regular maintenance on your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system is essential for keeping it running efficiently and avoiding costly repairs. To ensure your system is in top condition, start by doing a visual inspection of the air conditioning unit. Clear away any debris around the indoor climate unit and keep the outdoor unit clean and tidy. Additionally, replace the batteries in your thermostat every few months.

When it comes to filters, you should change them every 30 to 90 days. This may seem expensive, but it will help reduce energy bills in the long run. A clean filter improves the efficiency of your air conditioning unit, while a dirty filter forces it to work harder to maintain the desired temperature. In summer, there's no need to keep a humidifier running.

When the weather starts to cool down, install a new filter and set the humidifier to a humidity of around 40 percent. Then turn on the water supply. By keeping up with air conditioning maintenance, you can help prevent many of the common problems that cause expensive repairs. It's also a good idea to consider an annual contract with an HVAC system maintenance company, where you pay a fixed fee for someone to come once a year. Regular maintenance of your HVAC system is essential for optimal performance and avoiding costly repairs.

Start by doing a visual inspection of the air conditioning unit and clearing away any clutter around it. Replace the batteries in your thermostat every few months and change filters every 30 to 90 days. In summer, there's no need to keep a humidifier running; when the weather starts to cool down, install a new filter and set the humidifier to 40 percent humidity before turning on the water supply. Finally, consider an annual contract with an HVAC system maintenance company for regular check-ups.

Katelyn Redish
Katelyn Redish

Hipster-friendly beer advocate. Freelance coffee lover. Freelance tv lover. Amateur social media nerd. Certified zombie geek. Professional gamer.