Does an HVAC Tune Up Company Offer Energy Efficiency Services?

When it comes to keeping your home in good condition, HVAC repairs can be costly. But did you know that regular maintenance of your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system can help you save money? According to the U. S. Department of Energy, air conditioning accounts for more than half of your home's energy consumption.

By making regular adjustments to your HVAC system, you can reduce energy usage and lower your utility bill. The Energy Star Certified HVAC Installation Program is a great way to save money on HVAC adjustments and ENERGY STAR certified heating and cooling equipment. ENERGY STAR certified products are independently tested to ensure that they save energy without sacrificing features or functionality. These products include room air conditioners, central air conditioners, ductless heating and cooling systems, air-source heat pumps, furnaces, geothermal heat pumps, boilers, ventilation fans, smart thermostats, commercial boilers, and light commercial heating and cooling systems. By investing in ENERGY STAR certified products, you can save 10-30% on your annual energy bill. Companies that subscribe to energy-as-a-service (EaaS) models can also save money on electricity consumption as well as water, sewerage, lighting, and air conditioning. The Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (MEEA) partnered with Iowa gas and electric companies to create the Iowa HVAC System Verified Efficiency and Adjustment Program (HVAC SAVE).

This program helps local contracting companies grow their businesses while improving the performance and energy efficiency of HVAC systems. When the weather is bad (colder than usual), HVAC companies get a lot of calls that they must prioritize. This case study describes how MEEA partnered with Iowa gas and electric companies to establish the Iowa HVAC System Verified Efficiency and Adjustment Program (HVAC SAVE), expand it, and improve the performance and energy efficiency of HVAC systems. It's important to remember that if you don't properly maintain your air conditioning system, your warranty may be invalidated if you discover a problem with it. Regular maintenance is essential for keeping your system running efficiently and saving money in the long run.

Katelyn Redish
Katelyn Redish

Hipster-friendly beer advocate. Freelance coffee lover. Freelance tv lover. Amateur social media nerd. Certified zombie geek. Professional gamer.